“Linda,” the Winner of the Political Lawn Sign War in Essex“Linda,” the Winner of the Political Lawn Sign War in Essex

“Linda,” the Winner of the Political Lawn Sign War in Essex

November 4, 2012  By

Republican U.S. Senate candidate Linda McMahon has besieged Essex with lawn signs

Regardless of her qualifications for the U.S. Senate, pro or con, the clear winner of the campaign sign war in Essex is without question Republican candidate Linda McMahon.  Even a town fire hydrant is not safe from the draping of a “Linda” campaign sign.

McMahon’s campaign sign effort has two distinctive characteristics. One is that her campaign signs appeared in Essex weeks before any other candidate.  Also, in most cases McMahon shares her campaign sign positions with other Republican candidates, such as Republican Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney and State Representative candidate Vin Pacileo.

“Linda’s” lawn signs share positions with other Republican candidates as well

Democrats Came Late to the Lawns of Essex

Even now, as close as it is to the Election Day, President Obama and other Democratic candidates are way, way behind in lawn sign postings in this shoreline town. When the Democratic campaign sign postings finally did come into view, they included the signs of McMahon’s Democratic opponent for U.S. Senate, Chris Murphy, and in a few cases the top of the ticket of Obama/Biden.

Late in the campaign a few lawn signs for President Obama and Senate candidate Chris Murphy appeared

In the polls Murphy appears to be leading McMahon, regardless of the Republican candidate’s lawn sign advantage.

The reason for the paucity of lawn signs by the Democrats in towns like Essex, could well be that national Democratic strategists take for granted that Connecticut will vote for the Obama ticket.

So why waste precious campaign resources? Better to concentrate on the “Battleground States,” which virtually all commentators say will decide the national election.

This Republican sign poster wants to sell his house as well as his candidates

Foul Play in Lawn Sign War Alleged by Essex Resident

According to Essex resident Jane Siris, her Obama lawn sign, and those of several of her neighbors, are now “missing. “There were few of them to begin with,” she also said.

Originally, there was an Obama lawn sign here as well, but it was removed by persons unknown

Finally, there is an interesting footnote to the lawn sign story in Essex. On one of the most expensive properties in town, overlooking the water at Foxboro Point, there are just two campaign lawn signs in view. One is for “Linda,” and the other is for Romney.

The lawn signs of choice of a large land owner on Foxboro Point, “Linda” and Romney

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